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David Armano beschrijft in een artikel de vijf stadia die vooraf zijn gegaan een ‘social business’: digitaal, digitale media, digitaal ondernemen, sociaal en sociale media.
Vooral zijn visie op ‘social business’ vind ik interessant:
“Despite much of the chatter around “social business”, the reality is that most organizations are currently dealing with the realities of social media and only a few truly recognize the potential of social business.
Not unlike how digital media evolved into digital business—social business takes the foundation of social media and begins to build new economic models on top of it. Proof points include models such as Kickstarter which disrupts old economic models by empowering any venture to become a funded venture.
Existing business models however, are also presented with new opportunities (and threats). Business models where new connections are formed to the benefit of both the business, customer and even employee and shareholders are a core tenet of “social business”.
One could make the argument that Apple, while infamous for it’s secret culture acted as a social business when they chose to connect to would be developers instead of trying (in vain) to design apps themselves.
It is this kind of connected ecosystem which is linked to the idea of social business as well as the ability to adapt to conditions based on the intelligence a business can interpret.
In the immediate years to come, the amount of data available to the average business will be infinite, however the data will be meaningless without the ability to interpret and act upon it.”
Bron: Logic+Emotion